With OPEX on the horizon, we wanted to give a reminder about our Hotel and Flight discounts that are available to all OPEX Attendees and Exhibitors. Exhibitors and Attendees who book a room at Delta Hotels Burnaby Conference Centre using the code OPEX WEST will receive over 50% off and pay only $149 CAD per night! Discount applies to all bookings between October 31, 2022, and November 4, 2022. This offer ends on September 30th and we only have a few reservations left so be sure to act fast!
In addition to hotel savings, OPEX attendees and exhibitors are eligible for discounted flights through WestJet. Using our special OPEX code, you can receive 5-10% base fares for travel within Canada and 2-10% off base fares for guests traveling internationally (excluding business and basic bookings). Please visit www.westjet.com/conventions and use the code 7P4F1YV for flights into Vancouver & Abbotsford.

Gravel Defence Agency connects industry leading manufacturers with Law Enforcement, Military and Government personnel across Canada. They are the sole distributor, maintenance and warranty centre for world renowned companies like Remington, AAC, Barnes, Bushmaster, DPMS, Magpul, and more.
Law Enforcement and Military personnel require optimal performance out of their equipment. Gravel Defense make it easy for our Defence customers to obtain this equipment by providing a “one-stop-shop” to our comprehensive and evolving brand portfolio.
Make sure you visit Gravel Defense at OPEX West who will be located at Booths 14 & 15!